Somebody Everybody Nobody
Grade 6
(Klasse 6 b, Otto-von-Taube Gymnasium, Gauting, Germany 1992)
I took plaster-masks of 24 children’s faces of a grade 6 class, and then back in my studio, I cast the masks as positives in sugar. I placed them each into an open cardboard box that I marked with the birthdate and gender of each child.
The work was never exhibited, because over this summer of 1992 an invasion of ants settled in my studio and ate all the face-casts. What stayed with me is the view of the empty boxes, and ant’s faeces,…
Note: the work was photographed before it vanished, and is published in: Ansichten, Photographische Bilder Münchner Künstler, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, München, Germany, 1994.
Show artists:
Iris Haeussler, Lois Andison, Miroslaw Balka, Shannon Bool, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Jason de Haan, Hadley + Maxwell, Kris Martin, Danh Vo