Acknowledgments and Links
Partners, sponsores, funders and others who made this project possible.
- Elegoa Cultural Productions
- Art Gallery of York University (AGYU)
- Scrap Metal Gallery (SMG)
- Daniel Faria Gallery
- Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques (FNAGP), Paris et Nogent-sur-Marne
- Villa Vassilieff (VV), Paris
- Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF), Paris
- Catherine Sicot (overall project)
- Philip Monk (AGYU exhibition)
- Rui Amaral (SMG exhibition)
- Melanie Bouteloup & Virginie Bobin (VV exhibition)
- Canada Council For The Arts
- Ontario Arts Council
- Toronto Arts Council
- The Michener Institute Toronto
- Colourgenics
- Anonymous donors
- Brian Knapp of Context Design for his generous donation of the antique furniture and objects for the reconstruction of the studio
Exhibition Teams
Art Gallery of York University (AGYU)
- Philip Monk
- Suzanne Carte
- Emily Chhangur
- Allyson Adley
- Alexandra Stefou
- Tanya Matanda
- Audrey Willsey
- William Brereton
- Michel Maranda
- Carmen Schroeder
- Alex Haythorne
- Josh Malcom
- Grayson Richards
Scrap Metal Gallery
- Steve Andrews
- Danielle Greer
- Chris Bartos
Villa Vassilieff
- Simon Rannou
- Orane Staples
- Cyril Verde
- Virginie Bobin
Paris: Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France
- Michel Menu
- Sophie Le Fevre
- Clothilde Boust
- Laurence Clivet
- Jean Louis Bellec
- Vanessa Fournier
Toronto: Michener Institute
- Masood Hassan
- Emilie Regimbal
- Sumon Mazeed
- Iris Häussler (if not indicated differently)
- Hani Habashi (inventory Sophie La Rosière)
- Jennifer Rose Sciarrino (SM exhibition)
- Cheryl O’ Brian (AGYU exhibition)
- Simon Rannou ( VV Diner de Têtes)
- Catherine Sicot (project-process)
Interviews conducted by Catherine Sicot and videographed by Iris Häussler.
Video-walk-throughs by Iris Häussler
Video partners in Paris
- Dominique de Liege
- Yan Pellesier
- Gerard Audinet
- Gerard Alaux
- Michel Menu
- Michel Sarnelli
- Alexandre Colliex
- Melanie Bouteloup
- 3MotionInc (AGYU & SMG exhibitions)
- Pickpocketfilms MG (VV project presentation)
- Hani Habashi (VV exhibition)
Main painter’s model
- Sara Witalis
Villa Vassilieff Workshopwith students of the Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne, May 2016
- Julie Morel (artist and teacher)
- Clementine Maroteaux
- Clothilde Vacherias
- Marie Cotonea
- Raphaelle Peria
- Yoo Jean Kim
- Ana Catalina Escobar
Artist residency in France, 2015 & 2016
Fondation des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques (FNAGP)At Maison d’art Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent-sur-Marne
- Caroline Cournede
- Laurence Maynier
- Hani Habashi
- David Hull
- Iris Häussler
To the many people who kindly shared their insights, experiences, knowledge, creativity, networks, spaces, objects and artefacts in support of this project. Their input made this project what it is.
- Marie Lavandier
- Malika Id’Salah
- Isorine Marc
- Claire Le Masne
- Laurent Cornaz
- Guilain Rousel
- Paula Aisemberg
- Julian Fronsacq
- Jürgen Umlauf
- Katherine Scriba
- Mathilde Villeneuve
- Isabelle Gaudefroy
- Olivier Marboeuf
- Lionel Balouin
- Frank Lamy
- Emily Villez
- Cecile Debrraye
- Jean Yves Langlois
- Mortim Salinger
- Carlos Semeda
- Catherine Bedard
- Jean Baptiste Le Besacam
- Andrea Cohen
- Boaz Beeri
- Cecilia Aldarando
- Georgiana Uhlyarik
- Iakub Henschen
- Sherry Philips
- Brian Lynn
- Sam Mirshak
- Doina Popescue
- Colette Sicot
- Narimane Mari
- Dory Smith
- Karen Pilosof
- Sam Mirshak
- Douglas Killaly
- Beth Kapusta
- Louisa Sousa
- Dionne Gesink
- Sean Richardson
- Melanie Chaparian
- Lukas Steipe
- Theo Steipe
- Ruth Häussler
- Sarah Milroy
- Martha Baillie
- Gail Zinger
- Sara Knelman
- Sara Angelucci
- Kristen Den Hartog
- Shannon Anderson
- Roch Smith
- Anne Fauteux
- Numerous volunteers of the AGYU and VV
- Kind souls who prefer to stay anonymous
Special Thanks to Rick Rhodes