Abandoned in 1942, discovered in 2018, Florence’s room provides us context about her social situation in Milwaukee as is contained some personal objects from her homeland as well as from her time in Wisconsin.
Here are some of the artefacts on view in the exhibition: Tale of Two
- vintage photographs, ca. 1912
- broken pieces of dolls and angels,
- an amulet with a photograph, silver, ca 1910
- a pilgrim-case with Christian artefacts, Germany, ca 1930
- religious books
- a map of the region of Alsace, ca 1927
- human hair, braided
- stencils and wallpaper-fragments , American ca 1920
- two female gloves, leather, cut open and oil-painted on the inside
- painting tools
- a metal button-box, ca 1930
- three doll dresses, American, ca 1930, one of them oil-painted from the inside
Florence Hasard Letters To Sophie
A bundle of letters was found amongst Florence’s former lover’s legacy - in Sophie La Rosière’s studio in Nogent Sur Marne, France. These almost illegible writings can now undoubtedly be attributed to Florence because comparable notes with her handwritings were found in Wisconsin.